Original Songs and Sounds from Montana

Welcome to Sean Eamon's Web site. Check out the PHOTOS tab for a collection of photography and flyers that can be found only at this Web site. Upcoming gigs can be found under the SHOWS tab. Click CONTACT to find out how to get a hold of him to talk or to book him. Sean's music is available online using most streaming services.

You can purchase a vinyl copy of With A Lean by emailing Sean at seaneamonmusic@yahoo.com

Release Party at the Covellite 

Some photos of the With A Lean album release party courtesy of the crew at the Covellite Theatre. Thanks to everybody that came and has purchased albums. They are available at Ear Candy in Missoula and Cactus Records in Bozeman. They will be available at a new record shop here in Butte this summer. I was also interviewed recently by Bill Foley for the Buttecast. You can find that here: 


New Songs For Butte Mining Camp 

This is an old book from 1917 that inspired a project I worked on recently. You can listen to a recording I recently made at the Clark Chateau's Web site here:


I have a bunch of friends in this project and it's been real fun. Keep checking back because more are recording there and I have some things in the works.

Summer 2018 

Photo by Pastor Tim Christensen

I'm posting a couple images from the Losing So Long album release party in June. It was a great night in Butte. Austin Chronicle music writer Doug Freeman was there with Christy Hays. I greatly appreciate everyone's support. It was excellent to see all that made it. I was on the cusp of a couple opportunities that might have made me take this more serious, but they fell through. I'll soldier on.

This has been a pretty eventful summer. I had gigs with Nathan Kalish of Nashville and Jeff Przech of Connecticut. I got to meet and hang out with Jeff Plankenhorn some at a gig here in town. I met this fantastic Wyoming player named Jalan Crossland earlier this year, as well. Check those people out if you're looking for new music.

I have a few gigs left this season. I'll be at one of my favorite venues, the historic Murray Bar in Livingston, on August 20. I play Norris Hot Springs on Labor Day Weekend, September 1. I will be adding a date in September for the Covellite Film Festival, so keep an eye out for that.

Photo by Ana Nelson Shaw


Album Release Party on June 23 

I'm having an album release party in Butte at the Silver Dollar Saloon. Christy Hays and Helena's Aaron Parrett will also be performing. We had a full band rehearsal last week and it went excellent. I was so excited after that I hardly slept. We're going to have a horn section for this. Everyone involved in the recording of the album will be there.

Here's a link to Christy's video for Ribbon of Highway off her April release, River Swimmer.

Here's a look at Aaron Parrett performing Stumbo Lost Wages at his print shop, Territorial Press.

The Montana Standard published a piece on my album last weekend.

I restocked up on T-shirts and have a bunch of albums to sell at the show. I'll have a one-time T-shirt and album deal that night. I hope to see you there.

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Previous events


Sean Eamon

The Owl Bar, 819 East Third Street, Anaconda, MT

This will be a solo show and album release party near the streets where Sean grew up. Years ago the Owl Bar was a popular hangout for smeltermen, like Sean's father and grandfather. Anaconda songwriter and guitarist Jeryd Richman will do a guest set. Show is slated to start at 9 p.m.